My Leaky Waders are Heading to Virginia this Summer!

Well, gentle-ladies and gentle-men, the decision has been made. I matched yesterday into the field of my choice! Ophthalmology. I submitted a list of the programs I interviewed at ranking them from top to bottom, and a computer matched me with Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia!

Now I need to learn about fishing out there. I know they have a lot of water. There must be fish, right? I’ve found one guy on OBN, The Grey Sulphur, who is a fly fisherman in western Virginia (not West Virginia). Maybe I’ll snoop around his page a bit. Or just ask him what the deal-ee-o is.
Sara and I won’t be heading out there until June/July, but once there, it will be 4 years. So I have all that time to figure out the fly fishing in Virginia. If anyone has any tips, pointers, hints, suggestions, food for thought, grievances, and so on regarding fly fishing in Virginia, please, let me know! I’d love to hear what you have to say 🙂

Author: D Nash

Family. Fly fishing. Music.

6 thoughts on “My Leaky Waders are Heading to Virginia this Summer!”

  1. The commonwealth has some legendary Smallmouth rivers including the James River, which is the longest watershed in the state running from the high country to Chesapeake Bay. There are others including the Rappahannock and New Rivers with great reputation for Smallies. The Rapidan is pretty famous for trout fishing, but I only know about what I've read. I've not yet made it to VA to fish. I don't think you'll have any trouble finding good fishing in VA.
    Have you been accepted to a program already?


  2. I talked to the program director today. it is final! Thanks for the leads on those places. I will start looking them up. I've only done a little smallie fishing back in minnesota growing up, but would love to try it again. I suppose I could just look at google maps, but how far is memphis from that area. I've really only been out to north carolina once, so it is a new spot for me.


  3. Memphis is way too far from VA for a day trip. I used to live in Knoxville which is about 375 miles closer. TN is a log state and Memphis is at the wrong end. I wish I had made the trip when it was an easier drive. Hindsight is 20/20… something they probably won't teach you in ophthalmology school about “vision.” Congratulations on your acceptance and best of luck in your new adventure.


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