Quick Trip to Lacrosse, Wisconsin

Our future home is the Mississippi River Valley area of Lacrosse, Wisconsin. We have been making quick trips over there to check out housing options. 
On today’s adventure we stopped in the Pearl Ice Cream Parlor for a sweet treat (it was amazing) and I noticed a friendly vehicle parked nearby with several trouty looking stickers. I think living in the heart of the Driftless Area is going to treat us well. 

The blog activity should pickup a little bit as well once we have more time to explore. Visitors welcome starting July 2016!

New Sections of a Familiar Stream

My brother and I shot out to a stream we had both fished before individually but never together. Neither of us had fished the section we explored that day. The wind kept any meaningful hatches from setting off, but we brought a few fish to hand and enjoyed scoping out new water. We are thinking this will be a phenomenal stream a little later in the year. 

A Taste Of Spring

We know this won’t last. We are just thankful for the week of crazy warm weather here in the north. It is like finding a $20 in the pocket of old jeans just before tossing them in the donation box. So while the weather is here, we enjoy it fully.

We made our way to whitewater state park today. Only about 45 minutes from Rochester and essentially a straight shot down County 9. 
We spent 1.5 hours walking by the stream and managed to catch David a healthy brown. 

This week has rain in store for us with temps returning to normal soon. We knew it would come back. This last week just lets us see the light at the end of the tunnel. Spring will be here soon. 

The Virginia Tribute Video: Virginia is for Fly Fishers

Four years. 
Four years was all I had to fish the heck out of the great state of Virginia. From the mountains to the coast. I paddled, hiked, drove, waded, climbed, crawled, camped, froze and sweat for these fish. I made lifelong friends, ate way too much BBQ Exchange in Gordonsville and indulged in my fair share of Virginia ales. 
It may be true that Virginia is for Lovers… But you know what? It is also for hard core fly fishers with opportunities to scratch any fly fishing itch. 
I didn’t’ even come close to exploring all the Virginia fishery has to offer. Muskies, tarpon, carp, CCBT drum and winter stripers, bass, gar, shad and on, and on, and on… I guess I’ll just have to make an annual pilgrimage. 
Here’s to you, Virginia. 
Music: Josh Ritter “Getting Ready to Get Down”